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Amazon Attribution: A Comprehensive Guide for Sellers

Updated: Jun 13

In the competitive Amazon platform, staying ahead requires leveraging every tool available. Enter Amazon Attribution – a game-changer for sellers looking to optimize their marketing efforts and gain deeper insights into their customers' journey. This powerful analytics tool allows you to track the performance of your non-Amazon marketing campaigns, providing a comprehensive view of how your ads are driving sales on Amazon. 

Whether you're an established seller or starting out, mastering Amazon Attribution can significantly enhance your business strategy and help you achieve remarkable growth. This guide will explore how Amazon Attribution works, its benefits, and how Amazon Growth Lab's services can elevate your Amazon selling experience.

What Is Amazon Attribution?

a seller checking sales report after using Amazon Attribution

Amazon Attribution is an essential analytics tool that provides detailed insights into how your marketing channels outside of Amazon drive sales and conversions on the platform. Tracking external traffic from sources such as social media, email campaigns, and Google Ads ensures a comprehensive view of your marketing efforts beyond Amazon.

For instance, if you run a Facebook ad campaign promoting a product listed on Amazon, Amazon Attribution allows you to track the number of clicks from the ad, the conversion rate, and the resulting sales. This helps in understanding which external marketing efforts are most effective.

Amazon Attribution seamlessly integrates with other marketing tools, allowing for a cohesive strategy. For example, you can use it alongside Google Analytics to compare the performance of Amazon and non-Amazon traffic, ensuring your campaigns are optimized for maximum ROI. It can also work with your email marketing software to track how email promotions influence Amazon sales.

By utilizing Amazon Attribution, you get a clear picture of how each ad campaign and marketing strategy contributes to your overall sales, offering a sense of security in knowing where your investments are paying off. 

For more information on optimizing your listings and tracking campaign performance, check out Amazon Growth Lab's Brand Analytics and PPC Management services.

How Amazon Attribution Works

sample image of How Amazon Attribution Works

To comprehend how Amazon Attribution operates, you must explore its sophisticated tracking mechanism and seamless integration with various marketing channels. Amazon Attribution utilizes advanced tracking technology to monitor customer interactions across different platforms. 

When you set it up, you'll place tracking tags on your marketing materials. This setup allows you to gather detailed metrics such as impressions, click-through rates (CTR), detailed page views, add-to-carts, purchase costs, and product sales.

Having Amazon Attribution tracking tags set ensures that all your marketing efforts are unified and trackable from one platform. This detailed tracking provides full-funnel analytics, giving you insights into the entire customer experience, from the initial click to the final purchase.

Amazon Attribution is available to sellers in the Amazon Brand Registry, vendors, KDP authors, and agencies with clients selling on Amazon in specific countries including the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, UK, and Egypt.

Benefits of Amazon Attribution

Amazon Attribution excels primarily in channel evaluation. It lets you assess the performance of different advertising channels in detail so you can invest more wisely. By comprehending which channels yield the best results, you can allocate your budget more effectively, ensuring a higher return on investment and safer financial planning.

When it comes to campaign efficiency, Amazon Attribution offers invaluable insights. You can optimize your marketing campaigns based on real data, making them more effective and cost-efficient. This leads to better-targeted ads and reduced resource wastage.

Lastly, full-funnel insights provide a thorough understanding of customer behavior from start to finish. This holistic view allows you to tailor your strategy at every stage of the customer journey, enhancing user experience and boosting conversions.

Setting Up Amazon Attribution

First, ensure your account is eligible by checking if you're a vendor or a seller enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry. Once confirmed, you can create Amazon Attribution links to track external traffic to your listings.

After approval, setting up Amazon Attribution is user-friendly.

You'll start by logging into your Amazon Advertising account and accessing the Amazon Attribution dashboard. 

Here’s an exact step-by-step process:

(We’re going to use Facebook as an example)

1. Access Campaign Manager

2. Click Measurement & Reporting

Setting up attribution tag in Amazon advertising manager

3. Click on Amazon Attribution

Setting up attribution tag in Amazon advertising manager step 2

4.  Create Campaign

Setting up attribution tag in Amazon advertising manager 3

5. Select ‘Create Manually’

Setting up attribution tag in Amazon advertising manager - creating

6. Name it and select a product you want to create the Attribution tag for

Setting up attribution tag in Amazon advertising manager - naming the campaign

7. Create an ad group for it

Setting up attribution tag in Amazon advertising manager - ad groups

8. Set the publisher and channel, and add the product’s URL

Setting up attribution tag in Amazon advertising manager - setting channels

Consider using the bulk upload feature if you have many links to create. This allows you to efficiently manage multiple attribution tags simultaneously, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors. Tracking external traffic through these tags will give you valuable insights into your ad campaigns' performance.

At Amazon Growth Lab, we can assist you with every step of this setup process, ensuring your Amazon Attribution setup is seamless and effective.

Using Amazon Attribution to Optimize Campaigns

Utilizing data from Amazon Attribution can significantly enhance your campaign's performance, driving better ROI and more targeted marketing strategies.

Here's how to optimize your campaigns using Amazon Attribution:

  1. Data Analysis: Dive deep into the data to identify which marketing efforts deliver the most significant returns. Analyze metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and sales to determine high-performing tactics.

  2. Keyword Optimization: Examine which keywords convert best. Adjust your PPC campaigns to focus on these high-performing keywords, improving efficiency and effectiveness.

  3. Ad Performance: Identify which ads drive the most traffic. Use this information to refine your ad copy, design, and placement. For example, if a particular Facebook ad is outperforming others, allocate more budget to similar ads.

  4. Adjust Strategies: Make informed decisions to adjust your marketing strategies based on your data insights. This could include reallocating the budget to more successful channels, tweaking ad creatives, or changing your target audience.

  5. Case Studies and Examples: Learn from businesses that have successfully used Amazon Attribution to improve their campaigns. For instance, a tech gadget seller might discover through Attribution that their Instagram ads drive more high-value traffic than Google Ads, prompting a strategic shift in ad spend.

Amazon Growth Lab's PPC Management and Brand Analytics services can help you effectively utilize Amazon Attribution data. Our experts provide in-depth analysis and strategic recommendations to optimize your marketing efforts for the best possible results.

Challenges and Solutions

amazon seller resolving attribution common issue

While Amazon Attribution can greatly enhance your campaigns, it comes with its own challenges that need addressing.

Here are some common issues and practical solutions:

Technical Complexity: Setting up tracking URLs across various channels can be intricate. Incorrect configurations lead to data discrepancies and misguided strategies. Regularly audit your tracking URLs to ensure accuracy and consistency.

Data Accuracy: It is crucial to ensure data accuracy from external traffic sources. Misaligned data complicates performance evaluations. To maintain reliable data, verify that your tracking URLs direct traffic accurately.

Integration Issues: Integrating Amazon Attribution with your existing tech stack might pose compatibility issues. To overcome these challenges, follow best practices for integration and use troubleshooting tips.

Limited Retargeting: Unlike the Facebook Pixel, Amazon Attribution doesn't allow sending data back to ad channels for retargeting. This restriction requires you to find alternative ways to optimize your campaigns.

Alternatives to Amazon Attribution

When considering alternatives to Amazon Attribution, weighing the pros and cons of popular tools like Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel is essential. These platforms offer in-depth tracking capabilities for your external advertising and off-Amazon marketing efforts, providing you with thorough performance data.

Google Analytics is renowned for its detailed insights into user behavior and traffic sources, making it an excellent option for gaining insights into how your external advertising drives traffic to your Amazon listings.

On the other hand, Facebook Pixel excels in tracking conversions from social media campaigns, allowing you to assess the effectiveness of your off-Amazon marketing efforts. However, both tools have limitations compared to Amazon Attribution. Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel may not offer the same level of integration with your Amazon store, which can complicate your data analysis and decision-making processes.

At Amazon Growth Lab, we offer tailored solutions to complement these tools, including expert PPC management and data-driven brand analytics. Our services can help bridge the gap between these alternatives and your Amazon performance data, ensuring you make informed decisions to enhance your sales.


To summarize, Amazon Attribution is your key to revealing the secrets of your marketing efforts. With its ability to illuminate the path from click to purchase, you'll gain valuable insights to turbocharge your ad campaigns.

There might be bumps in the road, but the rewards are worth the journey. Delve into the data, welcome it, and watch as your marketing strategy transforms from a guessing game into a well-oiled machine.

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